
The Good Ol' Days

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Disturbing Find

Yesterday, as I do every 10 weeks I gave blood.

Giving blood in the city is quite a nice experience as they put on a lunch for you afterwards. It still takes a full hour to get through it all but it's still good to do.

The only problem I have with it all is the amount of water you are supposed to drink before hand.

Basically they tell you to drink a lot of water hours before you come so that your veins are nice and fat. Of course as everyone knows, if you drink like a fish, you end up pissing like a racehorse.

Every morning before I give blood sees me spending most of my time in either the kitchen at work throwing the water down or in the dunny getting rid of it all.

It was in going through this ritual yesterday morning that I found something quite disturbing in the dunny at work.

As I urgently walked up to the urinal and went to town, I looked down and saw that there were biscuit crumbs in the urinal!

At first this threw me as food crumbs in the toilet are totally out of context, kind of like seeing Sylvester Stallone accepting an Academy Award.

Then the more I thought about it, the worse it became as it obviously meant that someone was either eating a cookie while taking a wizz or they have a serious medical condition that needs urgent attention.

Will the wonders of the Male Public Toilet never cease?


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