
The Good Ol' Days

Friday, October 28, 2005

In my day...

Well after a BIG break I've had some stuff happen that I really must get down.

First and foremost, I'm now 30 years old. There I've said it. I'm no longer a twenty something. I'm now at age where sporting greats start to think about retirement before their team mates and commentators begin to call them "The Old Man". I'm now at the age where it's scary to think that the people doing their Year 12 exams at the moment had not even started school when the first Gulf War started. And Yes I can hear all the 40 and 50 year olds thinking "Oh you poor diddums turning 30 oh poor baby..."

But turning 30 had not really hit me until just the other day as I was picking my eldest son up from school. You know how as you get older you catch yourself trotting out your parents Golden Oldie phrases like "What is that crap on the radio?" or "You're not getting any ice cream until you finish your dinner?" Well if you become a parent yourself they start to roll off the tongue pretty easily as your kids get older but just last week I had a big one.

My son was complaining that I only gave him one lunch order from the school canteen a week and he wanted two. That's when it happened. I looked down and said those momentous words, "In my day I never had lunch orders." And then I let off the second barrel, "When I was a boy at school, I hardly ever had money for the canteen and if I did I had to wait in line to get my lunch."

As soon as I'd said it I realised what had happened. I think that was the moment I really turned 30.


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