
The Good Ol' Days

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Pulling the Finger of Democracy

Hi ho, Hi ho, It's off to vote we go.

Whilst I'm extremely glad I live in a stable Democracy like Australia, like a lot of people I don't like the actual process of voting very much.

First of all I have a problem with it being compulsory.

Secondly I don't like the fact that as I roll up to my local polling place under threat of fines, I am affronted by at least a dozen people trying to tell me how to cast my compulsory vote.

These party drones will sometimes get a little over zealous when trying to influence my decision and on more than one occasion I have had to physically move them out of the road so I can get past.
On top of all this, these actions are a little pointless as I live in Phil Ruddock's seat. I can't remember the last time an incumbent Front Bencher lost their seat no matter if they are in Government or the Opposition. I think little Kimy Beasley is the closest I can recall, almost losing his West Australian seat a few elections ago.

Something else I have found interesting that is especially true this time around is that most people are embarrassed to say they are a Liberal voter.

I was speaking to one of the guys at work the other day and he was telling me about something funny that happened to him in a Paddington restaurant recently.

He was sitting down to a nice meal with his lovely wife and her parents when the subject of politics unfortunately came up. As they lightly debated a few issues my mate was heard to say "I think Howard is going to get in this time"

Cue the cricket sound effects... he said it was just like in a movie where not only everyone at his table had stopped talking and were staring at him, but the entire restaurant had stopped mid conversation or even mid chew and were staring at him as though he had just recited a few choice phrases from Mien Kampf.

So in conclusion I don't know who is going to win today but for all you closet Howard voters out there, don't let the cat out of the bag until Kerry O'Brien announces the winner tonight.

The Finger has been pulled. Now lets see how much it stinks...

A helpful hint to anyone who hasn't voted today.

When you rock up to the polling place, have a kid hanging off one hand and a take away coffee in the other.

This turned out to be a spectacularly successful tactic to hold the how to vote card touting drones at bay.

Sure we were still swarmed over like Ohpra on a baked ham, but when they saw we were physically unable to take any of their propaganda they conceded defeat and baked away.

When I got into the booth however, I found to my surprise that there is more Christianity to be found on the Voting form than on Sunday morning Television.

Out of the 8 parties up for my Electorate, 4 of them were tied to a church in some way. And that was just the House of Reps. The Senate form read like the FBI's Most Wanted Cult list!


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