
The Good Ol' Days

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

OMG Check out the rack on Baby Jesus!!!

As I searched my son's school bag the other day for uneaten lunches etc... I came across an activity sheet he had been working on. It was from the scripture class that all Public School kids have once a week and I noticed something strange about the picture. It seemed to me that the Baby Jesus had quite the impressive set of breasts!

I asked him (my son not Jebus) what these things were on the picture and his reply, "They're boobies hehehehehe."

On the activity sheet it says to "Draw something you could do for one of the people in pictures." Apparently he thought he could give Jebus a little breast augmentation surgery. Well I suppose his birthday is coming up soon.

However it turns out my Messiah defacing son is not the only person who reckons Jebus looks better with a healthy rack. The picture above is of a seven storey statue in Eureka Springs, Arkansas which clearly shows "Christ the Lord" with a C cup, long flowing hair and a dress or robe. He was supposed to be a bloke right??

N.B. Please note I'm not trying to be blasphemous or insulting. If your faith is not strong enough to cop a small joke, it may be time to take another look at why and what you believe.


At October 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are awesome
i have never laughed so hard
u seem lke an awesome dad
i am from canada but my sis lives in Aus
anyways say hello to ur boys


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