Thursday, May 22, 2008 |
What happened?
I don't want to write a nasty, spiteful rant so I will instead simply supply a link that pretty much mirrors what happened to me.
High flynig wives ditch husbands they wanted to stay home
Please don't read this and let it put you off being a House Husband but please take it into consideration. Don't just take it for granted that "this would never happen to me..."
It certainly happened to me and now I am sad.
10 Comments: awful for you. I'm sorry :(
Hey, thats pretty bad Batman. Im a great believer in everything happens for a reason. How bout the kids?
sorry to hear it mate. (though it's months after the fact)
take care's horrible when someone takes advantage of this sort of vulnerability, especially when she put you in that position. Hope you can bounce back and find a new groove. Best of luck.
Hi...I'd like to interview a recent SAHD who made the decision to stay at home with the babies due in part to having difficulty in the tough job market.
I'm working on an Associated Press story about the economy. Thanx!
will be set free
You should read this new blog ...
thank you that post really good
由公關承擔部分費用,實屬無奈),與酒店公關們有關的,舉凡從年初就開始的「春酒、西洋情人節、白色情人節、端午和中秋等連假、七夕情人節、周年慶、聖誕節、尾牙、外加如夏季海灘或馬甲之夜」,幾乎每隔1~2個月就會有中大型活動,且公告千篇一律是禁休禁下,與多上且酒店S早到的天數限制,除了髮妝要做特殊造型外,必要時還要購置單一活動服,最怕是賣3~5000元禮券,和幾大框、幾小框的節數壓力。 重點是把消費者胃口養大後,店家與公關再怎麼努力,也滿足不了客人的比較心態,最後壓力還是會落在最基層的公關身上。網路世代,每位客人認識3~5個幹部以上是常態(同桌3人就有10幾個幹部資訊可比較了,還不包括外圍小蜜蜂們),而幹部隨時有固定3~5家類似店的帶桌去處,店家為了爭取業績,往往只能無奈配合客人單方面無理的要求。《目前市場類似超商模式》 目前市場制度已屬僵化,舉凡回單金額、看檯模式、1節10分鐘、包廂小費等,都不會有大幅度的改變,就如同我們之前文章說到類似「全球化、WTO模式」,簡單的比喻就如同5大連鎖超商(小7、全家、萊爾富、OK、福客多),其中產品價格和酒店花名服務沒有太多差異性,櫃台人員的工作內容也一樣,所以超商櫃台人員,很像公關的處境,雖然容易跳槽但薪資僵化,即使遇到奧客也都是第一線的公關來面對,即使做再多折扣與額外服務,客人也覺得是應該的。所以公關遇到瓶頸即使換店,也難有太多的突破。 有沒有辦法改變這僵化的狀態?有的,我們以【舒壓館】為例,提供其他方向來擺脫此窘境。《開心快樂賺到錢》我們團隊提供2個改變方向,一是酒店文化傳統方式為自我成長與突破(我們文章很多,可以往前看或到我們官網了解。),二就是創新模式(更換到不同類型),我們這裡說的換跑道不是單純換同性質店,如同現在的電商模式取代實體店面,uber顛覆計程車的運作。也就是新的遊戲規則,店家才有正常利潤,公關們才可以雨露均霑,把利潤其大化,把資源重新配置,錢花在刀口上。以下以【舒壓館】說明:1.裝潢極簡化(客人是找公關不是找裝潢),可降低成本,店家回收率快,經營壓力小,更不會轉嫁給公關。2.包廂數降低至一半以下,以往業績店要衝高酒店工作時間生意量,相對要更多的行政、更多的包廂,在生意流量不夠時,反而造成店家龐大的成本開銷。(據聞有店家勉強開設午
I am a very happy woman with the help of Lord Krish Spiritual who helped me restore my relationship with my ex husband. My name is Agnes Smith and I am from Alaska, USA. I met Lord Krish Spiritual through a testimony online and I never thought I would have my ex husband back after 4 years of separation. After my contact with his email, he told me not to worry and I would really be happy as I am now. Trusting in his words was a right decision for me. After 2 days, my ex husband called me that he wants to return back to me and live with me forever and I was very shocked. This made me believe in Lord Krish is really a very great spiritual man. Today, I am very happy to write this testimony about him and want others to testify to his power as I am currently happy in my restored marriage. Contact Lord Krish Spiritual through his email at to help you solve that relationship problems in your marriage.
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