
The Good Ol' Days

Monday, November 10, 2003

So where are the kids?

Get ready to hear this phrase about a million times every time you go out after having kids.

It will even happen if you are there by yourself while your partner is actually at home looking after the kids. The first time you go anywhere after having kids you will be confronted by this question by every single person you know at the party (or which ever function you are attending). They will even ask this before asking after yourself. I even experience it when I run into someone down the shops.

There is a solution however.

Whilst you can never fully escape this ordeal, I have a tip for anyone currently experiencing it that will at least reduce its occurrence in the future. When ever you turn up at a friends party without your kids and the inevitable question is asked "So where are the kids?" or it's variant, "So who is looking after the kids?", just tell them this with the straightest face you can muster,

"Oh they're in the car. Don't worry their ok, I left the window down a few centimetres to let the air in."

This will deliver the person into a brief state of shock. Their face will go blank and their jaw will drop to the floor in disbelief until they realise that you are in fact joking (and you better be!!!!!).

At all functions and parties you see this person from now onwards, you will have immunity from this well meaning but slightly accusing question.

Then simply repeat for every other person you know at the party and you will be set. If questions persist, threaten them with babysitting duty for the next time you go out. That'll shut them up real quick.


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