
The Good Ol' Days

Friday, November 05, 2004

Friday Cop Out

Since it's Friday and I and everyone is lazy on Fridays, I thought why not just use something else I had already writen and stick it up here

So here is some of the Science News I did for my Radio Show this week.

Did I hear someone say Bat groupies?
No I’m not talking about the kind that Adam West and Burt Ward had back in the late 60’s. Biologists from the University of Maryland have discovered that the males of some species of bats actually have female groupies.

In a study recently published in the journal Animal Behaviour, biologists from the University studied the songs and other sounds made by the Greater White-Lined bats found on the island of Trinidad in the West Indies.

They found that the more complex the love songs of the white-lined or as we’ve been calling them the Barry White-lined bats, the more females that hang around their territory. And of course just like with the groupies of human singers, we all know what happens next.

While were on the subject,
An Australian paper published in a Royal Society of London Journal has shown that some coral reef fish do not grow up until they find a mate.

What’s more, a juvenile fish will change sex according to the sex of its mate.

The study out of James Cook University looked at the Gobi and found that these fish would not mature until they found a mate. But it turns out they aren’t very picky. As the saying goes as long as its warm and moving.

Jean-Paul Hobbs from James Cook, believes this evolved from the predator rich environment the Gobis live in. It is very dangerous to swim around the reef in search of a life partner so when ever a young Gobi happens to run into another Gobi, that’s just who they choose. And if it turns out that they’re both the same sex, well the younger one simply changes.


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