
The Good Ol' Days

Friday, October 29, 2004

International No Ribbon Day

Anyone who travels by a city train station in Sydney knows that hardly a week goes by when you are not accosted by private school kids trying to offload a ribbon or a bear or as is the case today a bandana.

Whilst I'm sure that most if not all of the causes that these "Days" are supposed to promote are very worthy, I'm not so sure that anyone cares anymore.

Ever since the success of campaigns like Red Nose Day and Daffodil Day, every other cause has jumped on the band wagon and started pedalling all sorts of cheap Made in China pens and ribbons and badges in every mall and train station in Australia.

So now instead of willingly supporting one of these events, you find yourself plotting a strategic course through the scrum of Private School Uniforms trying to offload their wares onto you almost as zealously as someone handing out How to Vote Cards.

So I propose that Monday 1st November be either "International No Ribbon/Guilt Day" or alternatively "Get the HELL OUT OF MY WAY I'm late for my train day".

For more information on the spread of this problem World Wide, have look at Ribbon Campaign and check out the ribbons for causes such as;

  • Victims of Church Bombings
  • Families with loved ones in Prison
  • Supporting the Amish on the Internet
  • Pro Spaying and Neutering
  • Pagan Girls
  • and last but definitely not least Genital Integrity


    At June 13, 2010, Anonymous chanel purses said...

    Jayde Nicole Loves Tiny Louis Vuitton Purse Clung to Big Totes must love gucci 's guts as she is the happiest spokeswoman for Louis Vuitton handbags without charging hefty advertising fees. Her most adorable point is, she never feels it tiresome even many a cases she shakes us with her parade of couples of Louis Vuitton purses, usually one tiny and the other lofty, or one queen and the rest maid. In this manner Jayde Nicole manages to erase our potential disgust in showing off bags, the general sympton of celebs. Kind of witty, Marb Jacobs knows to appreciate that.


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