
The Good Ol' Days

Monday, November 01, 2004

The Good Ol' Days

Who can remember the back in the day when the object of the coolest game out there was to get an Italian guy to jump over a couple barrels being hurled at him by a gorilla sitting on top of a building site?

Back when the best way to impress your friends was to triumphantly display the hand held multi screen you had just "clocked".

Yes I had Donkey Kong and my friends had such other Nintendo Game & Watch classics as Oil Panic, Fire, and Green House. My cousin had Donkey Kong II and I think one of my other cousins had Donkey Kong Jr.

Of course like everyone else, I have long since lost my highly prized and very orange Donkey Kong and for a while now have been searching for a replacement.

For some stupid reason I did not think to check eBay and to my surprise I found them all over the place.

Around $50 will send you back to the 80's minus the crap music and the ridiculous hair. But say you don't want to pay $50 for a game some kid probably played while picking his nose?

Here's the next best thing. The other day I found this online version of Donkey Kong Jr. which is so true to the original, you'll swear you hear Australia winning the America's Cup or Carl Lewis winning his 6th Gold medal in the Los Angeles Olympics in the background.

But be warned! Playing this game at work could lead to doing no other work for the rest of the day, week or month.


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