
The Good Ol' Days

Friday, November 21, 2003

Reunion Wrap up

My 10 year High School reunion was really an excellent time.

I would totally suggest to anyone thinking of not turning up to theirs to think again.

Being in the room with everyone was a bit surreal. It was as if I had gone back in time and was back in the school yard except from one thing. When you talked to people you started to notice the little lines appearing around the eyes, the first hints of grey hairs and for some unlucky buggers the beginings of hair loss.

I spent the entire night thinking how cool it was to see everyone again and the entire next day wondering how many beers I must have had to make me so damn sick.

As I was telling people the next day, the one really weird thing about the night was I don't know if I slept at all that night. I can remember being in bed and feeling sick, tossing and turning desperatley searching for a comfortable position, but I can't remember waking up.

Still, now I can't wait for the 20th.

Also for anyone who is interested, I made my National Radio Debut this past Monday 17th Nov. I appeared on Sydney's 2SER with a feature article in their Discovery program.

If you would like to hear me go to this link and then click on the show for 17th Nov. My piece is on why TV ads seem so loud.


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