
The Good Ol' Days

Saturday, October 16, 2004

The First Pulling of the Finger

A few years ago I received some advice from an Uncle who said;

"Wait until your kids are about 4 before you get them to pull your finger for the first time. This way they get the full effect. They are just old enough to get the connection between the finger and the fart but still young enough to believe that it is real."

He has always been very knowledgeable in such things so I decided to take his advice and wait until my oldest son turned four.

Last week I decided "it was time" so one night after getting home late from work, I tried it out.

When I came home the boys were already in bed so I headed down to their room to ask what they got up to that day.

After we had discussed the goings on of Day care that day, (apparently the oldest got into trouble for pulling his pants down and pointing his bum at a group of girls), I decided it was time. There was just some primeval 6th sense inside of me that told me "now is the time".

So I pointed my finger at him and said the words that will stay with me forever;

"Son, pull my finger".

Thankfully I was able to perform with perfect timing and the look on his face was priceless. He didn't know wether to look amazed or laugh or both. In fact he took my hand to make sure I didn’t have anything in it and when he couldn't find anything he said;

"Dad your finger is magic! Can you do it again?"

"Sorry boy. The magic has worn off for now. Maybe in the morning".

I tucked them in again and they both started to doze off to sleep with a contended and amazed smile spread across their little faces.

These are truly the moments that make having kids so wonderful.


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