
The Good Ol' Days

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Inconsiderate, Umbrella Toting Idiots

What's the most dangerous thing you can do in the city when it's raining?

Walking out in front of a truck on a wet road?

Precariously making your way across a muddy puddle on your way to a job interview?

Not even close. The most dangerous thing you can do in the city in the rain is walk on the foot path with a bunch of idiots with Umbrellas.

It seems just like a smokers and 4WD owners, you put an umbrella in someone's hands and they have absolutely no idea (or simply don't care) what an impact they are having on everyone else in their immediate vicinity.

Sticking an umbrella in someone's hand will see their common sense and empathy of anyone else trying to use the foot path go out the window in their selfish quest to make sure they are safe and dry at the expense of everyone else.

Does this happen in places less crowded? I have a theory that it usually only occurs in the city because people become less of an individual in the city. Especially when you are walking to work from a train or bus station with the rest of the heard.

I think possibly people in this type of environment are less likely to think of other people and instead focus on just getting to work and getting it over with.

Of course the reason it does not happen in less crowded spaces as much could simply be that you can get out of the road of these umbrella toting slobs.


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