
The Good Ol' Days

Monday, October 18, 2004

Hmmmmm... Silence

Last weekend saw my lovely wife and I jaunting up to sunny Nambucca Heads for 2 nights to a friend's wedding.

My Sister graciously accepted the task of looking after the boys for the weekend so off we shot up the Pacific Highway trying to get to the Motel before the night bell went to bed and we were forced to sleep in the car.

After about 3hrs or so, we came to a startling realisation. We had actually been talking to each other for 3hrs straight and that this was the most conversation we've had since having children!

We started to theorise why this was happening and came up with the following conclusion.

As anyone with kids or anyone who has looked after kids for a period of time knows, they are very noisy. This is especially so when you have two boys. So in the brief (oh so brief) moments of silence you may experience through out the day, you tend to simply sit back and just enjoy them. Soaking up the quiet like a sponge, almost as if you were trying to build up a store of sanity and serenity in anticipation of the next eruption of noise, violence and Thomas the Tank Engine.

So what seems to have happened over the last few years is that we have stopped having engaging conversations with each other about important topics of the day or even more trivial things. Instead, we are tending to simply flop on the lounge once we have the chance and just do nothing. Simply because we can.

Either that or I'm just boring to talk to.


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