
The Good Ol' Days

Monday, September 15, 2003

How old is old?

This Friday I will be turning 28. In the weeks leading up to my last couple of birthdays I have been thinking I don't want to turn 26, I don't want to turn 27 and now I don't want to turn 28. Then after my birthday I look back and think, "Hey being 26 wasn't so bad" etc..

The reason behind this possibly is that I can remember people being that age whom I saw as older and more mature than I was. For example I can remember when my Boss at my previous place of work was 27. Now I am 27 does that make me older and mature?

Another reason is that I have vague memories of when my parents were 32 and 33.

Which brings me to the question how old is old?

It is said that being old is a state of mind. I don't care what your state of mind (or lack of) if you are 103 that is old. So there must be some sort of delineation somewhere between 28 and 103. Who decides where the line falls?

I would think that there are a few defining moments in your life which must surely being sending you on the way to crossing that line. They are as follows;

You start asking people to turn the music down.
You start telling everyone what is wrong with the young people of today.
The phrase "It wasn't like that in my day" starts to creep into your day to day conversations.
You place a blanket over the parcel/speaker shelf in the back of your car.
Accidentally tuning into Triple J finds you frantically scrambling to turn down that Satanic garbage.
You buy a cardigan.
You take up lawn bowls.
You refer to any music not written 20 years ago as "racket".
You get one of those little floral "Grand Ma" trolleys to wheel behind you at the shops.
A visit to the local R.S.L or as it is sometimes known "The aRRy" sees you sitting down for a quiet, sensible dinner at the Bistro rather than getting wasted on $2 schooners (for anyone not from NSW a schooner is a real man's beer glass not a pooncey Pot glass like they use north and south of us).

So even though turning 30 in two years will be quite a mile stone, I can still take comfort in the knowledge that the warm embrace of my favourite cardigan is still way, way, waaaaaayyyy over the horizon.


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