
The Good Ol' Days

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

I didn't know you were pregnant?!

This is an expression that should be struck off the register of English words and phrases.

Whilst it may be an amusing way to take an easy shot at a rather rotund male friend or co-worker, saying it to any female anywhere, no matter what the situation can have some dire consequences.

No matter how obviously pregnant some one might be, saying either of the following is ALWAYS a rather large social faux-par;
- "I didn't know you were pregnant?"
- "So when is the baby due?"
- "So how far along are you?"
- "Is it a boy or a girl?"
- "Have you gained a lot of weight lately or are you pregnant?" (I would assume that you would not need to be told about this one)

Asking any of the above when you have not been properly briefed on the person's actual "bun in the oven" status can quite often lead to the most embarrassing of replies "umm... I'm not pregnant" followed by your pathetic response "umm oh ummm oh isn't it cloudy today?"

No matter if they are actually pregnant, she will not like to be reminded of the fact that her body has stretched and grown so much that is it now the topic of conversation.

Even worse than saying any of these is rubbing or touching their tummy as if they were some sort of ceramic Budda.

Let me tell you it is NEVER good luck to rub the somewhat extended stomach of any woman wether they are pregnant or not.

In the event that they are pregnant you may get off with a nasty morning sickness induced snarl, escaping the slap in the face that would surely ensue if they are not pregnant only because they are too sleep deprived to deliver the upper cut they sorely wish they could.

As a rule guys, it is generally smarter to let sleeping dogs and seemingly pregnant women lie.


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